Friday, September 26, 2008

A Mosquito in the Eye--Oh My!

Today I am musing about how a mosquito interrupted an entire day for me.

It was Sunday and I was lounging in my favorite big red chair when all of a sudden a mosquito landed on my left eyeball. I held my blinks and made my way to the bathroom. There in the mirror I saw the remains of a large mosquito on my lower eyelid. I proceeded to flick his body into the sink that would become the portal to his grave. Then I blinked. Something was not right so I took out my contact lens and found it had grown a leg!!!!!!! Well, it had collected one of the deceased's legs. After rinsing off my lens, I placed it back into my eye. Something was still not right. Once again I lifted the lens off my eye and found it had grown a wing!!!!! had collected one of the afore mentioned deceased's wings anyway. I then decided that the lens had now been too affected to ever wear again so I tossed it into the trash can and then thouroughly rinsed out my eye, finding yet another wing and leg in the process! A new lens was placed into the eye, but I was just not comfortable with my lenses in. So for the rest of the day I wore my thick-lensed glasses. The world was different after that. I am now contemplating wearing goggles wherever I may be. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meandering Musings

Welcome to the home of my thoughts and musings. I will try to make this a humourous page to record a bit about my life.